Working Papers

  • Mass Incarceration, Demography, & Social Inequality

    1. “Death and Disappearance: Measuring Racial Inequality in Mortality and Life Expectancy Among State Prisoners, United States 2000-2014”

    2. “Fertility in an Age of Mass Incarceration”

  • Monetary Sanctions, Statutory Law, and Legal Institutions

    1. “Assailing Asylum: Affirmative and Defensive Asylum Approval Rates in the United States, 1980-2023”

    2. “Shadow Costs: Public-Private Partnerships, Monetary Sanctions, and the Creation of Markets for Freedom”

    3. “The Logics of Monetary Sanctions in the United States”

    4. “Appearing Indigent: Monetary Sanctions, Indigence, and the Problem and Paradox of Excess Poverty in the Criminal Legal System”

  • Mixed-Methods Research

    1. “Generalizability by Another Name: An Empirical Assessment of Case-to-Case Transfer as a Logic of Generalization and Inference in Mixed-Methods Research“